Blood Banking MCQs:

These 300+ multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to test your knowledge and understanding of various aspects of blood banking, a critical component of transfusion medicine. Blood banking involves the collection, processing, testing, storage, and distribution of blood and blood components to ensure their safe and effective use in medical treatments. The questions cover a wide range of topics, including blood typing, compatibility testing, transfusion reactions, blood component therapy, and the management of adverse events. By answering these questions, you will gain a deeper insight into the complexities and importance of blood banking in modern healthcare.

MCQ Test
151. While performing routine postpartum testing for an Rh immune globulin (RhIg) candidate, a weakly positive antibody screening test was found. Anti-D was identified. This antibody is most likely the result of:
A. massive fetomaternal hemorrhage occurring at the time of this delivery
B. antenatal administration of Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks gestation
C. contamination of the blood sample with Wharton jelly
D. mother having a positive direct antiglobulin test
152. Rh immune globulin administration would not be indicated in an Rh-negative woman who has a(n):
A. first trimester abortion
B. husband who is Rh-positive
C. anti-D titer of 1:4,096
D. positive direct antiglobulin test
153. A kleihauer-Betke stain of a postpartum blood film revealed 0.3% fetal cells. What is the estimated volume(mL) of the fetomaternal hemorrhage expressed as whole blood?
A. 5
B. 15
C. 25
D. 35
154. Based upon Kleihauer-Betke test results, which of the following formulas is used to determine the volume of fetomaternal hemorrhage expressed in mL of whole blood?
A. % of fetal cells present x 30
B. % of fetal cells present x 50
C. % of maternal cells present x 30
D. % of maternal cells present x 50
155. An acid elution stain was made using a 1-hour post delivery maternal blood sample. Out of 2,000 cells that were counted, 30 of them appeared to contain fetal hemoglobin. It is the policy of the medical center to add 1 vial of Rh immune globulin to the calculated dose when the estimated volume of the hemorrhage exceeds 20 mL of whole blood. Calculate the number of vials of Rh immune globulin that would be indicated under these circumstances.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
156. The rosette test detect a fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH) as small as:
A. 10 mL
B. 15 mL
C. 20 mL
D. 30 mL
157. A 10 mL fetal maternal hemorrhage in an Rh-negative woman who delivered an Rh-positive baby means that the:
A. mother’s antibody screen will be positive for anti-D
B. rosette test will be positive
C. mother is not a candidate for Rh immune globulin
D. mother should receive 2 doses of Rh globulin
158. Mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) is a biological assay for detecting which of the following?
A. HLA-Antigens
B. HLA-B antigens
C. HLA-D antigens
D. immunoglobulins
159. A 40-year-old man with autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to anti-E has a hemoglobin level of 10.8g/dL (108g/L). This patient will most likely be treated with:
A. whole blood
B. red blood cells
C. fresh frozen plasma
D. no transfusion
160. A patient in the immediate post bone marrow transplant period has a hematocrit of 21%. The red cell product of choice for this patient would be:
A. packed
B. saline washed
C. microaggregate filtered
D. irradiated
161. HLA antigen typing is important in screening for:
A. ABO incompatibility
B. a kidney donor
C. Rh incompatibility
D. a blood donor
162. DR antigen in the HLA system are:
A. significant in organ transplantation
B. not detectable in the lymphocytotoxicity test
C. expressed on platelets
D. expressed on granulocytes
163. Anti-E is identified in a panel at the antiglobulin phase. When check cells are added to the tubes, no agglutination is seen. The most appropriate course of action would be to:
A. quality control the AHG reagent and check cells and repeat the panel
B. open a new vial of check cells for subsequent testing that day
C. open a new vial of AHG for subsequent testing that day
D. record the check cell reactions and report the antibody panel result
164. A serological centrifuge is recalibrated for ABO testing after major repairs. Time in seconds 15 20 25 30 is button delineated? yes yes yes yes is supernatant clear? no yes yes yes button easy to resuspend? yes yes yes no strength of reaction? +m 1+ 1+ 1+ Given the data above, the centrifuge time for this machine should be:
A. 15 seconds
B. 20 seconds
C. 25 seconds
D. 30 seconds
165. Which of the following represents an acceptably identified patient for sample collection and transfusion?
A. a handwritten band with patient’s name and hospital identification number is affixed to the patient’s leg
B. the addressographed hospital band is taped to the patient’s bed
C. an unbanded patient responds positively when his name is called
D. the chart transported with the patient contains his armband not yet attached
166. Samples from the same patient were received on 2 consecutive days. Test results are summarized below:
Day 1 Day 2
anti-A 4+ 0
anti-B 0 4+
anti-D 3+ 3+
A1 cells 0 4+
B cells 4+ 0
Ab screen 0 0
How should the request for crossmatch be handled?
A. crossmatch A, Rh-positive units with sample from day 1
B. crossmatch B, Rh-positive units with sample from day 2
C. crossmatch AB, Rh-positive units with both samples
D. collect a new sample and repeat the tests
167. The following test results are noted for a unit of blood labeled group A, Rh-negative:
Cells tested with anti-A anti-B anti-D
4+ 0 3+
What should be done next?
A. transfuse as a group A, Rh-negative
B. transfuse as group A, Rh-positive
C. notify the collecting facility
D. discard the unit
168. What information is essential on patient blood sample labels drawn for compatibility testing?
A. biohazard sticker for AIDS patients
B. patient’s room number
C. unique patient medical number
D. phlebotomist initials
169. Granulocytes for transfusion should:
A. be administered through a microaggregate filter
B. be ABO compatible with the recipient’s serum
C. be infused within 72 hours of collection
D. never be transfused to patients with a history of febrile transfusion reactions
170. A neonate will be transfused for the first time with group O Red Blood Cells. Which of the following is appropriate compatibility testing?
A. crossmatch with mother’s serum
B. crossmatch with baby’s serum
C. no crossmatch is necessary if initial plasma screening is negative
D. no screening or crossmatching is necessary for neonates
171. A group B, Rh-negative patient has a positive DAT. Which of the following situations would occur?
A. all major crossmatches would be incompatible
B. the weak D test and control would be positive
C. the antibody screening test would be positive
D. the forward and reverse ABO groupings would not agree
172. The following reactions were obtained:
Cells tested with Serum tested with:
anti-A anti-B anti-A,B A1 cells B cells
4+ 3+ 4+ 2+ 4+
The technologist washed the patient’s cells with saline, and repeated the forward typing. A saline replacement technique was used with the reverse typing. The following results were obtained:
Cells tested with Serum tested with:
anti-A anti-B anti-A,B A1 cells B cells
4+ 0 4+ 0 4+
The result are consistent with:
A. acquired immunodeficiency disease
B. Bruton agammaglobulinemia
C. multiple myeloma
D. acquired “B” antigen
173. What is the most likely cause of the following ABO discrepancy?
patient’s cell vs: patient’s serum vs:
anti-A anti-B A1 cells B cells
0 0 0 0
a. recent transfusion with group ) blood
A. recent transfusion with group O blood
B. antigen depression due to leukemia
C. false-negative cell typing due to rouleaux
D. obtained from a heel stick of a 2-month old baby
174. Which of the following patient data best reflects the discrepancy seen when a person’s red cells demonstrate the acquired-B phenotype?
Forward grouping Reverse grouping
patient A A B O
patient B B AB A
patient C O B
patient D B AB
a. A
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
175. Which of the following is characteristic of Tn polyagglutinable red cells?
A. if group O, they may appear to have acquired a group A antigen
B. they show strong reactions when the cells are enzyme-treated
C. they react with arachis hypogaea lectin
D. the polyagglutination is a transient condition
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