Quiz Answers
- Scurvy is associated with deficiency of which of the following vitamins?
- a. A
- b. C ✅
- c. Niacin
- d. Thiamine
- A cardiac glycoside that is used in the treatment of congenital heart failure and arrhythmias by increasing the force and velocity of myocardial contraction is?
- a. Digoxin ✅
- b. Acetaminophen
- c. Lithium
- d. Phenytoin
- Pellagra is associated with deficiency of which of the following vitamins?
- a. A
- b. C
- c. Niacin ✅
- d. Thiamine
- A drug that relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchial passages is?
- a. Acetaminophen
- b. Lithium
- c. Phenytoin
- d. Theophylline ✅
- Which of the following is the formula for calculating the unknown concentration based on Beer’s Law (A= absorbance, C= Concentration)?
- a. (A unknown/A standard) x C standard ✅
- b. C standard x A unknown
- c. A standard x A unknown
- d. (C standard)/(A standard) x 100
- Which of the following is the formula for coefficient of variation?
- a. (standard deviation x 100)/standard error
- b. (mean x 100)/standard deviation
- c. (standard deviation x 100)/mean ✅
- d. (variance x 100)/mean
- Rickets is associated with deficiency in which of the following vitamins?
- a. A
- b. C
- c. Niacin
- d. D ✅
- The regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism is accomplished by which of the following glands?
- a. Thyroid
- b. Parathyroid ✅
- c. Adrenal glands
- d. Pituitary
- Lithium therapy is widely used in the treatment of?
- a. Hypertension
- b. Hyperactivity
- c. Aggression
- d. Manic-depression ✅
- An arterial blood specimen submitted for blood gas analysis was obtained at 8:30 am but was not received in the laboratory until 11:00 am. The technologist should?
- a. Perform the test immediately upon receipt
- b. Perform the test only if the specimen was submitted in ice water
- c. Request a venous blood specimen
- d. Request a new arterial specimen be obtained ✅
- The anticonvulsant used to control tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures is?
- a. Digoxin
- b. Acetaminophen
- c. Lithium
- d. Phenytoin ✅
- A carbonate salt used to control manic-depressive disorders is?
- a. Acetaminophen
- b. Lithium ✅
- c. Phenytoin
- A potassium level of 6.8 mEq/L is obtained. Before reporting the results, the first step the technologist should take is to?
- a. Check the serum for hemolysis ✅
- b. Rerun the test
- c. Check the age of the patient
- d. Do nothing, simply report the result
- Specimens for blood gas determination should be drawn into a syringe containing?
- a. No preservatives
- b. Heparin ✅
- c. EDTA
- d. Oxalate
- The measurement of light scattered by particles in the sample is the principle of?
- a. Spectrophotometer
- b. Fluorometry
- c. Nephelometry ✅
- d. Atomic absorption
- Coulometry is used to measure?
- a. Chloride ✅
- b. PH
- c. Bicarbonate
- d. Ammonia
- The measurement of the amount of electricity passing between two electrodes in an electro-chemical cell is the principle of:
- a. Electrophoresis
- b. Amperometry
- c. Nephelometry
- d. Coulometry ✅
- Which of the following lipid results would be expected to be falsely elevated on a serum specimen from a nonfasting patient?
- a. Cholesterol
- b. Triglyceride ✅
- c. HDL
- d. LDL
- Turbidity in serum suggests elevation of?
- a. Cholesterol
- b. Total protein
- c. Chylomicrons ✅
- d. Albumin
- Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay techniques (EMIT) differ from all other types of enzyme immunoassays in that?
- a. Lysozyme is the only enzyme used to label the hapten molecule
- b. No separation of bound and free antigen is required ✅
- c. Inhibition of the enzyme label is accomplished with polyethyleneglycol
- d. Antibody absorption to polystyrene tubes precludes competition to labeled and unlabeled antigen
- The TRH stimulation test is useful in assessing which of the following?
- a. TRH concentration
- b. Iodine deficiency
- c. Depression
- d. Hyperthyroidism ✅
- Clinical assays for tumor markers are most important for?
- a. Screening for the presence of cancer
- b. Monitoring the course of a known cancer ✅
- c. Confirming the absence of disease
- d. Identifying patients at risk for cancer
- The following results were obtained in a creatinine clearance evaluation: Urine concentration: 84 mg/dL Urine volume: 1440 mL/24hr Serum concentration: 1.4 mg/dL Body surface area: 1.60 m2 (average = 1.73m2) The creatinine clearance in mL/min is:
- a. 6
- b. 22
- c. 60 ✅
- d. 65
- TSH is produced by the?
- a. Hypothalamus
- b. Pituitary Gland ✅
- c. Adrenal Cortex
- d. Thyroid
- Estrogen and progesterone receptor assays are useful in assessing prognosis in which of the following?
- a. Ovarian Cancer
- b. Breast Cancer ✅
- c. Endometriosis
- d. Amenorrhea
- Cerebrospinal fluid for glucose assay should be?
- a. Refrigerated
- b. Analyzed immediately ✅
- c. Heated to 56 degrees Celsius
- d. Stored at room temperature after centrifugation
- An analgesic that alleviates pain without causing loss of consciousness is?
- a. Digoxin
- b. Acetaminophen ✅
- c. Lithium
- d. Phenytoin
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) are both elevated in which of the following diseases?
- a. Muscular dystrophy
- b. Viral hepatitis ✅
- c. Pulmonary emboli
- d. Infectious mononucleosis
- Urobilinogen is formed in the?
- a. Kidney
- b. Spleen
- c. Liver
- d. Intestine ✅
- Insufficient centrifugation will result in:
- a. A false increase in Hct value ✅
- b. A false decrease in Hct value
- c. No effect on Hct value
- d. All of the above depending on the patient
- Erythrocytes that vary in size from the normal 6-8 um are described as exhibiting:
- a. Anisocytosis ✅
- b. Hypochromia
- c. Poikilocytosis
- d. Pleocytosis
- Which of the following is the preferable site for bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in an adult?
- a. Iliac crest ✅
- b. Sternum
- c. Tibia
- d. Spinous processes of the vertebra
- Mean cell volume (MCV) is calculated using the following:
- a. (Hgb/RBC)x10
- b. (Hct/RBC)x10 ✅
- c. (Hct/Hgb)x100
- d. (Hgb/RBC)x100
- What term describes the change in shape of erythrocytes seen on a Wright’s-stained peripheral blood smear:
- a. Poikilocytosis ✅
- b. Anisocytosis
- c. Hypochromia
- d. Polychromasia
- Calculate the mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) using the following values: Hgb: 15 g/dL RBC: 4.50 x 10^6/uL Hct: 47 mL/dL
- a. 9.5% (.095)
- b. 10.4% (.104)
- c. 31.9% (.319) ✅
- d. 33.3% (.333)
- A manual white blood cell count was performed. A total of 36 cells were counted in all 9-mm^2 squares of a Neubauer-ruled hemacytometer. A 1:10 dilution was used. White is the WBC?
- a. 0.4×10^9/L ✅
- b. 2.5×10^9/L
- c. 4.0×10^9/L
- d. 8.0×10^9/L
- When an erythrocyte containing iron granules is stained with Prussian blue, the cell is called a:
- a. Spherocyte
- b. Leptocyte
- c. Schistocyte
- d. Siderocyte ✅
- A 7.0 mL ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tube is received in the lab containing only 2.0 mL of blood. If the lab is using manual techniques, which of the following tests will most likely be erroneous?
- a. RBC count
- b. Hemoglobin
- c. Hct ✅
- d. WBC count
- A 1:200 dilution of a patient sample was made and 336 red cells were counted in an area of 0.2 mm^2. What is the RBC count?
- a. 1.68 x 10^12/L
- b. 3.36 x 10^12/L ✅
- c. 4.47 x 10^12/L
- d. 6.66 x 10^12/L
- What phagocytic cells produce lysozymes that are bacteriocidal?
- a. Eosinophils
- b. Lymphocytes
- c. Platelets
- d. Neutrophils ✅
- If a patient has a retic count of 7% and a Hct of 20% what is the corrected retic count?
- a. 1.4%
- b. 3.1% ✅
- c. 3.5%
- d. 14%
- A decreased osmotic fragility test would be associated with which of the following conditions?
- a. Sickle cell anemia ✅
- b. Hereditary spherocytosis
- c. Hemolytic disease of the newborn
- d. Acquired hemolytic anemia
- What effect would using a buffer at pH 6.0 have on a Wright’s-stained smear?
- a. Red cells would be stained too pink ✅
- b. White cell cytoplasm would be stained too blue
- c. Red cells would be stained too blue
- d. Red cells would lyse on the slide
- Which of the following erythrocyte inclusions can be visualized with supravital stain but cannot be detected on a Wright’s stained blood smear?
- a. Basophilic stippling
- b. Heinz bodies ✅
- c. Howell Jolly bodies
- d. Siderotic granules
- A falsely elevated Hct is obtained. Which of the following calculated values will not be affected?
- a. MCV
- b. MCH ✅
- c. MCHC
- d. Red cell distribution width (RDW)
- A Miller disk is an ocular device used to facilitate counting of:
- a. Platelets
- b. Reticulocytes ✅
- c. Sickle cells
- d. Nucleated red blood cells
- RBC indices obtained on a patient are as follows: MCV: 88 um^3 MCH: 30 pg MCHC: 34% The RBC on the peripheral smear would appear:
- a. Microcytic, hypochromic
- b. Microcytic, normochromic
- c. Normocytic, normochromic ✅
- d. Normocytic, hypochromic
- All of the following factors may influence the ESR except:
- a. Blood drawn in a sodium citrate tube ✅
- b. Anisocytosis, poikilocytosis
- c. Plasma proteins
- d. Caliber of the tube
- What staining method is used most frequently to stain and count reticulocytes?
- a. Immunofluorescence
- b. Supravital staining ✅
- c. Romanowsky staining
- d. Cytochemical staining
- The Coulter principle for counting cells is based upon the fact that:
- a. Isotonic solutions conduct electricity better than cells do ✅
- b. Conductivity varies proportionally to the number of cells
- c. Cells conduct electricity better than saline does
- d. Isotonic solutions cannot conduct electricity