Quiz Answers
- The inorganic forms of nitrogen, which are accepted by bacteria are
- a. Nitrates
- b. Nitrites
- c. Ammonium salts
- d. All of these ✅
- Archaeo bacteria are known as
- a. Halophiles
- b. Red extreme halophiles ✅
- c. Osmophiles
- d. Extreme thermophiles
- Nitrite is converted into nitrate by the bacteria
- a. Nitrosomonas
- b. Nitrosocytes
- c. Nitrobacter ✅
- d. Azatobacter
- Sulphur-oxidizing bacteria is
- a. Alcaligenes
- b. Pseudomonas
- c. Thiobacillus ✅
- d. None of these
- Bacillus Schlegelli is
- a. Hydrogen-Oxidizing bacteria ✅
- b. Sulphur-Oxidizing bacteria
- c. Iron-Oxidizing bacteria
- d. Nitrite oxidizing bacteria
- The group of bacteria which depends on organic sources in nature for their energy requirements. They are said to be
- a. Chemotrophs
- b. Phototrophs
- c. Heterotrophes ✅
- d. Organotrophs
- Majority of bacteria are
- a. Saprophytes
- b. Symbionts
- c. Commensals
- d. Parasites ✅
- Symbionts are
- a. Bacteria in symbiotic association
- b. The group of fungi in symbiotic association
- c. The groups participating in symbiotic association ✅
- d. All of these
- The best example for symbiotic association is
- a. E.coli in the intestine of man
- b. Lichens ✅
- c. Normal flora of skin
- d. All of the above
- The enzymes responsible for decomposition is
- a. Lipolytic
- b. Proteolytic ✅
- c. Lysozyme
- d. Both a and b
- Urea is decomposed by the species
- a. Micrococcus sps.
- b. Nitrosomonas sps.
- c. Proteus sps.
- d. Both a and c ✅
- Phycobiont is
- a. The algal part in Lichens ✅
- b. The fungal part in Lichens
- c. Laustoria formation
- d. None of these
- Parasitic form must contain
- a. Capsules ✅
- b. Cell-wall
- c. Endospores
- d. Flagella
- The total number of genes in the group of the same individuals is
- a. Genome
- b. Gene map
- c. Gene pool ✅
- d. None of these
- Transformation was observed mainly in
- a. Bacteriophages
- b. Temperate phages ✅
- c. ? –phage
- d. All of these
- Capsulated forms of bacteria are
- a. Virulent
- b. Avirulent
- c. Useful ✅
- d. Symbiotic
- The bacterial cells participating in conjugation are
- a. Conjugants ✅
- b. Fertile cells
- c. Exconjugants
- d. None of these
- Phagocytes are
- a. Monocytes
- b. Macrophages
- c. Basophils
- d. All of these ✅
- The microorganism engulfed by a phagocyte resides in a vacuole is known as
- a. Phagosome ✅
- b. Lysosome
- c. Both a and b
- d. None of these
- Toxic products in phagolysosome are
- a. H2SO4
- b. Singlet O2
- c. Superoxide radicals
- d. All of these ✅
- During the destruction of antigen particles in phagolysosome, the product formed during formulation is
- a. Acetic acid
- b. Lactic acid ✅
- c. Citric acid
- d. None of these
- The coating of a bacterium with antibody or complement that leads to enhanced phagocytosis of the bacterium by phagocytes is called
- a. Opsonisation ✅
- b. Agglutination
- c. CFT
- d. None of these
- Attenuation means
- a. Killing of the bacteria (microorganism)
- b. Inactivation of bacteria ✅
- c. More activating the bacteria
- d. Both 1 and 2
- Infections that result in pus formation are called
- a. Focal infection
- b. Acute infection
- c. Pyogenic infection ✅
- d. Chronic infection
- Presence of viable bacteria in the bloodstream is called
- a. Viraemia
- b. Septicaemia
- c. Bacteraemia ✅
- d. Bactericidal
- Presence of viruses in the bloodstream is known as
- a. Viraemia ✅
- b. Bacteraemia
- c. Septicaemia
- d. Pyemia
- Opsonin is the
- a. Cell wall component
- b. Plasma component
- c. Serum component ✅
- d. Cytoplasm component
- ß-haemolytic bacteria is
- a. Streptococcus pyogenes ✅
- b. Str. pneumoniae
- c. Str. viridans
- d. Str. faecalis
- The natural reservoir of infection for cholera is
- a. Flies
- b. Horse
- c. Man ✅
- d. None of these
- Main cause for Cholera is
- a. Poverty and insanitation ✅
- b. Mosquitoes
- c. Toxin produced by pesticides
- d. None of these
- Vibrio cholera differs from Vibrio eltor by
- a. It shares some Inaba, Ogawa subtypes with eltor
- b. Resistant to polymyxin
- c. Eltor is non-motile
- d. Causes less subclinical infections as compared to eltor ✅
- Cholera vaccine gives protection for
- a. 1 – 3 months
- b. 3 – 6 months ✅
- c. 6 – 9 months
- d. 9-12 months
- Prophylaxis of cholera is
- a. Protected water supply
- b. Environmental sanitation
- c. Immunization with killed vaccines
- d. All of these ✅
- Sh. dysenteriae is also known as
- a. Sh. shiga
- b. Sh. schmitzi
- c. Both a and b ✅
- d. Sh. para dysenteriae
- Acid-fast bacteria are
- a. Neisseria
- b. Staphylococci
- c. Mycobacteria ✅
- d. All of the above
- Mycobacteria are stained with
- a. Gram’s staining
- b. Simple staining
- c. Both a and b
- d. Ziehl – Neelsen’s staining ✅
- Niacin test is positive in case of
- a. Corynebacterium
- b. M. tuberculosis ✅
- c. M. bovis
- d. M. avium
- Lepromin test
- a. Is negative in tubercular leprosy
- b. Positive in lepromatous type
- c. Indicates delayed hypersensitivity test ✅
- d. Indicates infection
- Streptococcus forms cause which type of infections?
- a. Fever
- b. Zoonotic
- c. Pyogenic
- d. None of these ✅
- Streptococcus pyogenes classification is based on
- a. Protein M ✅
- b. Protein T
- c. Protein R
- d. Polysaccharide C
- α-haemolytic streptococci are also known as
- a. Str. pyogenes
- b. Virulence group
- c. Viridans group ✅
- d. None of these
- Streptolysin O is inactivated by
- a. CO2
- b. Nitrogen
- c. Oxygen ✅
- d. Serum
- Streptolysin ‘S’ is
- a. Oxygen unstable
- b. Thermostable
- c. Oxygen stable ✅
- d. None of these
- Influenza virus is identified by using
- a. Haemagglutinin inhibition test ✅
- b. Tissue culture method
- c. Embryonated eggs
- d. Plaque formation
- Growth of influenza virus is identified by
- a. Cytopathic effects
- b. Hela cells ✅
- c. Both a and b
- d. None of these
- Glutamic acid is oxidized by the species except
- a. B. abortus
- b. B. melienasis
- c. B. suis
- d. B. canis ✅
- “Prozone phenomenon” is encountered in
- a. Atypical mycobacteria
- b. Brucella ✅
- c. Streptococcus
- d. Bordetella pertussis
- Of the following, this is a capsulated organism
- a. Bacillus anthracis ✅
- b. Escherichia coli
- c. Corynebacterium
- d. Brucella
- Anthrax is a
- a. Vector-borne
- b. Zoonotic infection ✅
- c. Wound bone
- d. Soil-borne
- McFadyean’s reaction is used to detect
- a. Bacillus anthracis ✅
- b. Brucella
- c. Corynebacterium
- d. None of these