Quiz Answers
- In most of the purple bacteria, the light-harvesting centers are
- a. B 850 & Fe-S
- b. B 850 & B 875 ✅
- c. B 845 & B 875
- d. B 850 & B830
- Endotoxin produced by Gram-negative bacteria is present in
- a. Peptidoglycan
- b. Lipopolysaccharide ✅
- c. Teichoic acid
- d. Inner membrane
- Which one of the following was Gram-negative, chemolithotrophic bacteria?
- a. Siderococcus
- b. E.coli ✅
- c. Spirellum
- d. Mycoplasms
- The mode of reproduction which occurs in Mycoplasma is
- a. Budding
- b. Bursting
- c. Binary fission ✅
- d. Binary fusion
- Which one of the following is about Herpes viruses?
- a. Icosahedral, with envelope, ds DNA ✅
- b. Polyhedral with envelope, ds DNA
- c. RNA, helical with envelope
- d. ds DNA, brick shape
- Which one of the following produces typical fried egg appearance colonies on solid media?
- a. Mycobacteria
- b. Mycoplasts
- c. Mycoplasms ✅
- d. Bacteroides
- An organism that is osmophilic and has a specific requirement for sodium chloride resembles
- a. Halophile ✅
- b. Basophile
- c. Barophile
- d. Xerophile
- A population of cells derived from a single cell are called
- a. Monoclonal cells
- b. Clones ✅
- c. Protoplasts
- d. Subculture
- Heterolactic acid bacteria produce
- a. Lactic acid only
- b. Lactic acid + H2O + CO2
- c. Lactic acid + CO2
- d. Lactic acid + alcohol + CO2 ✅
- In which of the following microorganisms, a conjugation tube was not produced during the conjugation process?
- a. Thiobacillus thiooxidans ✅
- b. T. ferrooxidans
- c. Tetrahymena thermophila
- d. Cryptococcus
- Which of the following is most similar to Rickettsia and Chlamydia?
- a. Bdellovibrio
- b. Clostridium
- c. Mycobacterium ✅
- d. Mycoplasma
- How would you distinguish Pseudomonas species from E. coli?
- a. Gram staining
- b. Morphology
- c. Glucose fermentation vs Respiration ✅
- d. All of the above
- Which of the following is pathogenic to humans?
- a. Spirogyra
- b. Cephaleuros
- c. Prototheca ✅
- d. Both b and c
- Tumor-inducing plasmids are extensively used in the production of
- a. Avirulent phases
- b. Single-cell proteins
- c. Transgenic plants ✅
- d. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
- The viruses that live as parasites on bacteria are
- a. Fungi
- b. Commensals
- c. Bacteriophages ✅
- d. None of these
- The anthrax disease is most frequently infected from
- a. Cattle
- b. Sheep
- c. Rats
- d. Both a and b ✅
- The colonies produced by Pseudomonas on MacConkey’s medium are
- a. Purple colored
- b. Pink colored
- c. Pale colored ✅
- d. Green colored
- Staining material of Gram-positive bacteria is
- a. Fast green
- b. Haematoxylon
- c. Crystal violet ✅
- d. Safranin
- The pigment present in red algae is
- a. Rhodochrome
- b. Fucoxanthin
- c. Chlorophyll only
- d. Chlorophyll + phycobilin ✅
- During mitosis, synapsis occurs in the phase called
- a. Telophase
- b. Anaphase
- c. Prophase ✅
- d. None of the above
- Which of the following change is a transition?
- d. None of these ✅
- Citrus canker is caused by
- a. Phytomonas ✅
- b. Salmonella
- c. Lactobacillus
- d. Hay bacillus
- Bacteria that are responsible for the fermentation of dairy milk are
- a. Azetobacter
- b. Rhizobium
- c. Lactobacillus ✅
- d. Hay bacillus
- The fungal disease that affects the internal organs and spreads through the body are called
- a. Mycoses
- b. Systemic mycoses ✅
- c. Mycotoxicosis
- d. Superficial mycoses
- The staining technique used to stain the metachromatic granules of Corynebacterium
- a. Giemsa stain
- b. Albert’s stain ✅
- c. Acid-fast staining
- d. Both a and b
- The orderly increase in all components of protoplasm of a cell is called
- a. Reproduction
- b. Cell division
- c. Growth ✅
- d. All of the above
- The causative organism of cholera, i.e., Vibrio, shows the movement called
- a. Gliding movement
- b. Darting movement ✅
- c. Pseudopodial movement
- d. None of these
- Erythrocytes will get its ATP energy only by
- a. Glycolysis ✅
- b. Kreb’s cycle
- c. Electron Transport
- d. HMP shunt
- A virus will contain
- a. Cell membrane
- b. Cell wall
- c. DNA
- d. DNA or RNA ✅
- The bacterial pili mainly contain
- a. Carbohydrates
- b. Lipids
- c. Proteins ✅
- d. Minerals
- The wonder drug of the second world war is produced by
- a. Algae
- b. Fungi ✅
- c. Bacteria
- d. Plants
- Role of bacteria in the carbon cycle is
- a. Photosynthesis
- b. Chemosynthesis
- c. Breakdown of organic compounds ✅
- d. Assimilation of nitrogen compounds
- Centromere is that part of the chromosome where
- a. Nucleoli are formed
- b. Crossing over takes place ✅
- c. Chromatids are attached
- d. Naking occurs
- Somatic cells of the adult body are haploid in many except
- a. Vertebrates
- b. Invertebrates
- c. Fungi ✅
- d. Vascular plants
- Congenital diseases are
- a. Diseases present at birth ✅
- b. Deficiency disease
- c. Occur during life
- d. Spread from one individual to another
- The enzyme needed in biological systems for joining two molecules is called
- a. Lyases
- b. Diastases
- c. Polymerases ✅
- d. Hydrolase
- Mesosomes are the part of
- a. Plasma membrane ✅
- b. ER
- c. Lysosomes
- d. Golgi
- All prokaryotes are surrounded by a cell wall except
- a. Mycoplasms ✅
- b. Sperochetes
- c. Actinomycetes
- d. Methanogens
- Enzyme hydrolyzing bacterial cell wall
- a. Lysozome
- b. Reductase
- c. Protease
- d. Lysozyme ✅
- Cows can digest straw because they contain
- a. Cellulose hydrolyzing microorganisms ✅
- b. Protein hydrolyzing bacteria
- c. Lipid hydrolyzing microorganisms
- d. Amino acid degrading bacteria
- The nucleus controls protein synthesis in the cytoplasm by sending
- a. Chromatin
- b. A DNA template
- c. mRNA molecule ✅
- d. A specialized protein
- The site of energy production in a cell
- a. Microbody
- b. Chromosome
- c. Ribosome
- d. Mitochondria ✅
- Thylakoid is present in
- a. Mitochondria
- b. Chloroplast ✅
- c. ER
- d. Golgi apparatus
- Which one of the following bacteria has found extensive use in genetic engineering work in plants?
- a. Clostridium septicum
- b. Xanthomonas oryzae
- c. Bacillus coagulans
- d. Agrobacterium tumefaciens ✅
- Maximum application of animal cell culture technology today is in the production of
- a. Insulin
- b. Interferons
- c. Vaccines ✅
- d. Edible proteins
- Bacterial ribosomes are composed of
- a. Protein and DNA
- b. Protein and mRNA
- c. Protein and rRNA ✅
- d. Protein and tRNA
- The photorespiration involves
- a. Calvin cycle
- b. Hatch-Slack cycle
- c. Glycolate cycle ✅
- d. Kreb’s cycle
- Bioleaching is done by
- a. Protozoa
- b. Bacteria ✅
- c. Algae
- d. All of the above
- Inclusion bodies diagnostic of rabies are called
- a. Elementary bodies
- b. Paschen bodies
- c. Negri bodies ✅
- d. Guarnieri bodies
- Which of the following genera is most likely to contain organisms capable of surviving high temperatures?
- a. Vibrio
- b. Pseudomonas
- c. Torula ✅
- d. Coxiella
Quiz Answers
- In most of purple bacteria, the light harvesting centers are
- a. B 850 & Fe-S
- b. B 850 & B 875 ✔
- c. B 845 & B 875
- d. B 850 & B830
- Endotoxin produced by gram-negative bacteria is present in
- a. Peptidoglycan
- b. Lipopolysaccharide ✔
- c. Teichoic acid
- d. Inner membrane
- Which one of the following was Gram-negative, chemolithotrophic bacteria?
- a. Siderococcus
- b. E.coli ✔
- c. Spirellum
- d. Mycoplasms
- The mode of reproduction which occurs in mycoplasma is
- a. Budding
- b. Bursting
- c. Binary fission ✔
- d. Binary fusion
- Which one of the following is about Herpes viruses?
- a. Icosahedral, with envelope, ds DNA ✔
- b. Polyhedral with envelope, ds DNA
- c. RNA, helical with envelope
- d. ds DNA, brick shape
- Which one of the following produce typical fried egg appearance colonies on solid media?
- a. Mycobacteria
- b. Mycoplasts
- c. Mycoplasms ✔
- d. Bacteroides
- An organism that is osmophilic and has a specific requirement for sodium chloride resembles
- a. Halophile ✔
- b. Basophile
- c. Barophile
- d. Xerophile
- A population of cells derived from a single cell are called
- a. Monoclonal cells
- b. Clones ✔
- c. Protoplasts
- d. Subculture
- Heterolactic acid bacteria produce
- a. Lactic acid only
- b. Lactic acid + H2O + CO2
- c. Lactic acid + CO2
- d. Lactic acid + alcohol + CO2 ✔
- In which of the following microorganism, conjugation tube was not produced during conjugation process?
- a. Thiobaillus thiooxidence ✔
- b. T. ferroxidance
- c. Tetrahymena thermophila
- d. Cryptoporiclium
- Which of the following is most similar to Rickettsia and Chlamydia?
- a. Bdellovibrio
- b. Clostridium
- c. Mycobacterium ✔
- d. Mycoldaima
- How would you distinguish pseudomonas species from E-coli?
- a. Gram staining
- b. Morphology
- c. Glucose fermentation Vs Respiration ✔
- d. All of the above
- Which of the following is pathogenic to humans?
- a. Spirogyra
- b. Cephaleuros
- c. Prototheca ✔
- d. Both b and c
- Tumer-inducing plasmids are extensively used in production of
- a. Avirulent phases
- b. Single cell proteins
- c. Transgenic plants ✔
- d. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
- The viruses that live as parasites on bacteria are
- a. Fungi
- b. Commensels
- c. Bacteriophages ✔
- d. None of these
- The anthrax disease is most frequently infected from
- a. Cattle
- b. Sheeps
- c. Rats
- d. Both a and b ✔
- The colonies produced by Pseudomonas on Mac Conkey’s medium are
- a. Purple colored
- b. Pink colored
- c. Pale colored ✔
- d. Green colored
- Staining material of gram-positive bacterium is
- a. Fast green
- b. Haematoxylon
- c. Crystal violet ✔
- d. Safranin
- The pigment present in red algae is
- a. Rhodochrome
- b. Fucoxanthin
- c. Chlorophyll only
- d. Chlorophyll + phycobilin ✔
- During mitosis, synapsis occurs in the phase called
- a. Telophase
- b. Anaphase
- c. Prophase ✔
- d. None of the above
- Which of the following change is a transition?
- d. None of these ✔
- Citrus canker is caused by
- a. Phytomonas ✔
- b. Salmonella
- c. Lactobacillus
- d. Hay bacillus
- Bacteria that are responsible for fermentation of dairy milk are
- a. Azetobacter
- b. Rhizobium
- c. Lactobacillus ✔
- d. Hay bacillus
- The fungal disease that affect the internal organs and spread through the body are called
- a. Mycoses
- b. Systemic mycoses ✔
- c. Mycotoxicosis
- d. Superficial mycoses
- The staining technique used to stain the metachromatic granules of Corynebacterium
- a. Giemsa stain
- b. Alberts stain ✔
- c. Acid-fast staining
- d. Both a and b
- The orderly increase in all components of protoplasm of a cell is called
- a. Reproduction
- b. Cell division
- c. Growth ✔
- d. All of the above
- The causative organism of cholera, i.e., Vibrio show the movement called
- a. Gliding movement
- b. Darting movement ✔
- c. Pseudopoidal movement
- d. None of these
- Erythrocytes will get its ATP energy only by
- a. Glycolysis ✔
- b. Kreb’s cycle
- c. Electron Transport
- d. HMP shunt
- Virus will contain
- a. Cell membrane
- b. Cell wall
- c. DNA
- d. DNA or RNA ✔
- The bacterial pili mainly contain
- a. Carbohydrates
- b. Lipids
- c. Proteins ✔
- d. Minerals
- The wonder drug of the second world war is produced by
- a. Algae
- b. Fungi ✔
- c. Bacteria
- d. Plants
- Role of bacteria in carbon cycle is
- a. Photosynthesis
- b. Chemosynthesis
- c. Breakdown of organic compounds ✔
- d. Assimilation of nitrogen compounds
- Centromere is that part of chromosome where
- a. Nucleoli are formed
- b. Crossing over takes place ✔
- c. Chromatids are attached
- d. Naking occurs
- Somatic cells of the adult body are haploid in many except
- a. Vertebrates
- b. Invertebrates
- c. Fungi ✔
- d. Vascular plants
- Congenital diseases are
- a. Diseases present at birth ✔
- b. Deficiency disease
- c. Occur during life
- d. Spread from one individual to another
- The enzyme needed in biological systems for joining two molecules is called
- a. Lyases
- b. Diastases
- c. Polymerases ✔
- d. Hydrolase
- Mesosomes are the part of
- a. Plasma membrane ✔
- b. ER
- c. Lysosomes
- d. Golgi
- All prokaryotes are surrounded by a cell wall except
- a. Mycoplasms ✔
- b. Spirochetes
- c. Actinomycetes
- d. Methanogens
- Enzyme hydrolyzing bacterial cell wall
- a. Lysozome
- b. Reductase
- c. Protease
- d. Lysozyme ✔
- Cows can digest straw because they contain
- a. Cellulose hydrolyzing microorganisms ✔
- b. Protein hydrolyzing bacteria
- c. Lipid hydrolyzing microorganisms
- d. Amino acid degrading bacteria
- The nucleus controls protein synthesis in the cytoplasm by sending
- a. Chromatin
- b. A DNA template
- c. mRNA molecule ✔
- d. A specialized protein
- The site of energy production in a cell
- a. Microbody
- b. Chromosome
- c. Ribosome
- d. Mitochondria ✔
- Thylakoid is present in
- a. Mitochondria
- b. Chloroplast ✔
- c. ER
- d. Golgi apparatus
- Which one of the following bacteria has found extensive use in genetic engineering work in plants?
- a. Clostridium septicum
- b. Xanthomonas oryzae
- c. Bacillus coagulans
- d. Agrobacterium tumefaciens ✔
- Maximum application of animal cell culture technology today is in the production of
- a. Insulin
- b. Interferons
- c. Vaccines ✔
- d. Edible proteins
- Bacterial ribosomes are composed of
- a. Protein and DNA
- b. Protein and mRNA
- c. Protein and rRNA ✔
- d. Protein and tRNA
- The photorespiration involves
- a. Calvin cycle
- b. Hatch-Slack cycle
- c. Glycolate cycle ✔
- d. Kreb’s cycle
- Bioleaching is done by
- a. Protozoa
- b. Bacteria ✔
- c. Algae
- d. All of the above
- Inclusion bodies diagnostic of rabies are called
- a. Elementary bodies
- b. Paschen bodies
- c. Negri bodies ✔
- d. Guarnieri bodies
- Which of the following genera is most likely to contain organisms capable of surviving high temperature?
- a. Vibrio
- b. Pseudomonas
- c. Torula ✔
- d. Coxiella
Quiz Answers
- The major role of minor elements inside living organisms is to act as
- a. Co-factors of enzymes ✔
- b. Building blocks of important amino acids
- c. Constituents of hormones
- d. Binder of cell structure
- The apparatus used to maintain a continuous culture
- a. Chemostat ✔
- b. Autostat
- c. Thermostat
- d. Both a and c
- The test used to detect the deamination of the amino acids by bacteria
- a. Nessler’s reagent test ✔
- b. Proteolytic test
- c. Lactose test
- d. Rose bengal reagent test
- Diphtheria is caused by
- a. Corynebacterium ✔
- b. Staphylococcus
- c. Streptococcus
- d. None of these
- Koplik spots observed in the mucous membrane is characteristic feature of the disease
- a. Rubella
- b. Measles
- c. Mumps ✔
- d. Influenza
- A bacterium containing prophage is called as
- a. Lytic
- b. Lysogen ✔
- c. Lytogen
- d. None of these
- The most infectious foodborne disease is
- a. Tetanus
- b. Dysentery
- c. Gas gangrene
- d. Botulism ✔
- An example for common airborne epidemic disease
- a. Influenza ✔
- b. Typhoid
- c. Encephalitis
- d. Malaria
- Viral genome can become integrated into the bacterial genomes are known as
- a. Prophage
- b. Temperatephage ✔
- c. Bacteriophage
- d. Metaphage
- Rancidity of stored foods is due to the activity of
- a. Toxigenic microbes
- b. Proteolytic microbes
- c. Saccharolytic microbes
- d. Lipolytic microbes ✔
- Virion means
- a. Infectious virus particles
- b. Non-infectious particles
- c. Incomplete particles ✔
- d. Defective virus particles
- Virulence of the microorganisms can be reduced by
- a. Attenuation ✔
- b. A virulence
- c. Inactivation
- d. Freezing
- The test used for detection of typhoid fever
- a. WIDAL test ✔
- b. ELISA
- c. Rosewaller test
- d. Westernblotting
- Bacteriophage capable of only lytic growth is called
- a. Temperate ✔
- b. Avirulent
- c. Virulent
- d. None of these
- Diphtheria bacillus is otherwise known as
- a. Fried-Landers bacillus
- b. Kleb’s hofflers bacillus ✔
- c. Frchs bacillus
- d. Koch’s bacillus
- Acridine dyes are more effective against
- a. Gram positive ✔
- b. Gram negative
- c. Ricke Hsia
- d. Mycoplasma
- In bacteria pigment-bearing structures are
- a. Chloroplast
- b. Protoplast
- c. Sphaeroplast
- d. Chromatophores ✔
- The procedure of differential staining of bacteria was developed by
- a. A.H. Gram
- b. H.C. Gram ✔
- c. N.C. Gram
- d. H.A. Gram
- Intermediate group of pathogen between bacteria and viruses which are intracellular parasites are called
- a. Mucoplasmas
- b. Rickettsias ✔
- c. Prions
- d. Virusoides
- Bacillus is an example of
- a. Gram positive bacteria ✔
- b. Gram negative bacteria
- c. Virus
- d. Viroid
- Amoebic dysentery in humans is caused by
- a. Plasmodium
- b. Paramecium
- c. Yeast
- d. Entamoeba histolytica ✔
- Viral genome that can become integrated into bacterial genome is called
- a. Prophage ✔
- b. Temperate phage
- c. Bacteriophage
- d. Metaphage
- Cytochromes are
- a. Oxygen acceptors
- b. ATP acceptors
- c. Electron acceptors ✔
- d. Protein acceptors
- The cells having F plasmid in the chromosomes were termed as
- a. Hfr ✔
- b. F–
- c. Hbr
- d. C+
- Recombination process occurring through the mediation of phages is
- a. Conjunction
- b. Transduction ✔
- c. Transformation
- d. Transfection
- Mordant used in grams staining is
- a. Crystal violet
- b. Iodine ✔
- c. Saffranin
- d. All of these
- Parasitic form must contain
- a. Capsule
- b. Cell-wall ✔
- c. Endospores
- d. Flagella
- Gram staining is an example for
- a. Simple staining
- b. Differential staining
- c. Negative staining
- d. None of these ✔
- Following Cocci are non-motile except
- a. Staphylococcus ✔
- b. Meningococcus
- c. Gonococcus
- d. Rhodococcus agilis
- Aspergillus fumigatus can infect
- a. Birds
- b. Animals ✔
- c. Man
- d. All of them
- Enterotoxin responsible for food poisoning is secreted by
- a. Enterococci
- b. Entamoeba histolytica
- c. Enterobacteriaceae
- d. Straphylococci ✔
- Autolysis is done by
- a. Mitochondria
- b. Lysosomes ✔
- c. Golgi bodies
- d. Peroxisomes
- A facultative anaerobic is
- a. Only grow anaerobically
- b. Only grow in the presence of O2
- c. Ordinarily an anaerobe but can grow with O2
- d. Ordinarily an aerobe but can grow in absence of O2 ✔
- The percentage of O2 required by moderate anaerobe is
- a. 0%
- b. < 0.5%
- c. 2 – 8% ✔
- d. 5 – 10%
- Interferon is formed by
- a. Lymphocytes
- b. Lymphoblasts
- c. Fibroblasts
- d. All of these ✔
- Pigment-bearing structure of bacteria are
- a. Mesosomes
- b. Plasmids
- c. Mitochondria
- d. Chromophores ✔
- Spirochete is
- a. Gonococci
- b. Strphylococci
- c. Treponema pallidum ✔
- d. Streptococci
- Histones are found in
- a. Prokaryotes
- b. Eukaryotes ✔
- c. Viruses
- d. None of these
- Cell wall of gram negative bacteria is
- a. Thick
- b. Lipids are present
- c. Teichoic acids are absent ✔
- d. None of these
- Cytoplasmic streaming is present in
- a. Prokaryotes
- b. Animals
- c. Eukaryotes ✔
- d. Both a and b
- The motile bacteria is
- a. S. typhi ✔
- b. K. pneumoniae
- c. B. anthracis
- d. Shigella
- The stain used to demonstrate fungus
- a. Albert
- b. Nigerosin
- c. Lactophenol cotton blue ✔
- d. None of these
- Exotoxins are
- a. Heat labile ✔
- b. Heat stable
- c. Part of cell wall
- d. Polymerized complexes
- The viruses that attack bacteria are
- a. Bacterial viruses
- b. Bacterial pathogens
- c. Bacteriophages ✔
- d. Various
- The size of virus particle may range
- a. 0.02–0.2 ìm
- b. 0.5–10 ìm
- c. 0.015–0.2 ìm ✔
- d. 0.1–100 ìm
- The bacterial cell multiplication is usually by
- a. Mitosis
- b. Meiosis
- c. Conjugation
- d. Binary-fission ✔
- Rod-shaped bacteria are known as
- a. Cocci
- b. Comma forms
- c. Bacilli ✔
- d. Pleomorphic forms
- All the groups of bacteria have cell wall
- a. Mycobacteria
- b. Mycoplasmas ✔
- c. Clostridia
- d. Rickettsia
- Thickness of cell wall ranges from
- a. 9-10 nm
- b. 12-13 nm
- c. 10-25 nm ✔
- d. 30-40 nm
- Teichoic acids and Teichuronic acids are found in
- a. Gram positive bacteria ✔
- b. Gram negative bacteria
- c. Fungi
- d. None of these