Quiz Answers
- If 10x and 40x objectives are used (air is the medium), the numerical aperture is
- a. 1.5
- b. 2.0
- c. 1.0 ✅
- d. 1.8
- The ability of a microscope to distinguish two objects into two separate objects is called
- a. Resolving power ✅
- b. Wave length
- c. N.A.
- d. None of these
- Limit of resolution of a compound microscope is
- a. 0.018 Å
- b. 0.1 mm ✅
- c. 5 µm
- d. 1 mm
- Source of light in fluorescence microscopy is from
- a. Mercury lamp ✅
- b. Sunlight
- c. Both a and b
- d. None of these
- Who perfected a magnetic lens in 1927?
- a. Gabor ✅
- b. Broglie
- c. Busch
- d. None of these
- The magnification power of the electron microscope developed by Knoll and Ruska is
- a. 10,000x
- b. 12,000x ✅
- c. 15,000x
- d. 20,000x
- In an electron microscope, the source of electrons is from
- a. Mercury lamp
- b. Tungsten metal ✅
- c. Both a and b
- d. None of these
- The electrons passed out from the specimen are called
- a. Primary electrons
- b. Secondary electrons ✅
- c. Tertiary electrons
- d. None of these
- Mycorrhiza was first observed by
- a. Funk
- b. Frank ✅
- c. Fisher
- d. Crick
- The transfer of genetic material during transformation is proved based on Griffith’s experiment by
- a. Avery, Macleod & Mc.Carthy ✅
- b. Lederberg & Tatum
- c. Zinder & Lederberg
- d. Watson & Crick
- Phagocytic theory was proposed by
- a. Louis Pasteur
- b. Elie Metchnikoff ✅
- c. Behring
- d. Widal
- Anaphylaxis was first observed by
- a. Parter & Richet ✅
- b. Coombs
- c. Gell
- d. None of these
- Primary mediators in anaphylaxis
- a. Histamine
- b. Serotonin
- c. Heparin
- d. All of these ✅
- Arthus reaction was discovered by
- a. Maurice Arthus ✅
- b. Von Perquit
- c. Richet
- d. Porter
- Serum sickness reaction was discovered by
- a. Maurice Arthus
- b. Von Perquit ✅
- c. Richet
- d. Porter
- Hybridoma technique was developed by
- a. Kohler & Milstein
- b. Niel’s Jerne
- c. Both a and b ✅
- d. None of these
- Disease that affects many people at different countries is termed as
- a. Sporadic ✅
- b. Pandemic
- c. Epidemic
- d. Endemic
- If the vectors transmit the infection mechanically, they are called
- a. Biological vectors
- b. Mechanical vectors ✅
- c. Biological reservoir
- d. Both a and c
- If a person can be infected by direct contact with infected tissue of another person, it is termed as
- a. Indirect contact transmission
- b. Attachment
- c. Direct contact transmission ✅
- d. None of these
- Reduction of virulence is known as
- a. Exaltation
- b. Attenuation ✅
- c. Both a and b
- d. None of these
- Enhancement of virulence is known as
- a. Exaltation ✅
- b. Attenuation
- c. Both a and b
- d. None of these
- The virulence of a pathogen is usually measured by
- a. LD
- b. MLD
- c. ID
- d. All of the above ✅
- The lethal dose required to kill 50% of the lab animals tested under standard conditions is called
- a. ID
- b. LD50 ✅
- c. ID50
- d. MLD
- The most important virulence factors are
- a. Adhesions
- b. Invasiveness
- c. Toxigenicity
- d. Enzymes
- e. All of the above ✅
- The ability of a pathogen to spread in the host tissues after establishing the infection is known as
- a. Adhesion
- b. Invasiveness ✅
- c. Toxigenicity
- d. None of these
- Which of the following enzymes acts as a spreading factor?
- a. Hyaluronidase ✅
- b. Coagulase
- c. Catalase
- d. DNase
- Vibrio cholerae was discovered by
- a. Koch
- b. Metchnikoff ✅
- c. John Snow
- d. Virchow
- E. coli was first isolated by
- a. Louis Pasteur
- b. Escher ✅
- c. Shiga
- d. Robert Koch
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis was first discovered by
- a. Robert Koch ✅
- b. Edward Jenner
- c. Louis Pasteur
- d. None of these
- Mycobacterium leprae was discovered by
- a. Robert Koch
- b. Hansen ✅
- c. Edward Jenner
- d. Louis Pasteur
- Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated by
- a. Robert Koch
- b. Edward Jenner
- c. Antony von Leewenhock
- d. Louis Pasteur ✅
- B. anthracis was isolated by
- a. Louis Pasteur
- b. Robert Koch ✅
- c. Antony von Leewenhock
- d. None of these
- Staphylococcus aureus was isolated by
- a. Rosenbach
- b. Louis Pasteur ✅
- c. Passet
- d. Sir Alexander Ogston
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa was first named
- a. Schroeter and Gessard ✅
- b. Robert Koch
- c. Louis Pasteur
- d. Edward Jenner
- T. pallidum was discovered by
- a. Robert Koch
- b. Schaudinn and Hoffman ✅
- c. Louis Pasteur
- d. Edward Jenner
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae was first described by
- a. Neisser in 1879
- b. Pasteur in 1878 ✅
- c. Robert Koch
- d. None of these
- Rh factor of the blood was discovered by the scientist
- a. Louis Pasteur
- b. Landsteiner and Weiner ✅
- c. Janskey
- d. Moss
- e. None of these
- Treponema pallidum was discovered by
- a. Schaudinn and Hoffman ✅
- b. Louis Pasteur
- c. Burgey
- d. Laennec
- e. None of these
- Fluorescent substances used in fluorescent microscopy are
- a. Quinine sulphate
- b. Auramine
- c. All of these ✅
- d. None of these
- Cold-like symptoms are caused by which bacteria
- a. Pseudomonas
- b. E. coli
- c. Haemophilus influenza ✅
- d. Haemophilus streptococcus
- In Streptococcus fecalis, the conjugation takes place at
- a. Pili
- b. Cell membrane
- c. Cell wall ✅
- d. Flagella
- The infected mad dogs may contain
- a. Nergi bodies
- b. Niagri bodies
- c. Negri bodies ✅
- d. Neisser bodies
- What disease does Neisser produce?
- a. Mumps
- b. Rubella
- c. Polio
- d. Measles ✅
- Rancidity in spoiled foods is due to
- a. Lipolytic organisms ✅
- b. Proteolytic organisms
- c. Toxigenic microbes
- d. Saccharolytic microbes
- The bacterium that is most commonly used in genetic engineering is
- a. Escherichia ✅
- b. Klebsiella
- c. Proteus
- d. Serratia
- The functions of plasmid are
- a. DNA replication
- b. Protein synthesis
- c. Cell wall synthesis
- d. None of the above ✅
- Mycoplasmas are bacterial cells that
- a. Fail to reproduce on artificial media
- b. Have a rigid cell wall
- c. Are resistant to penicillin ✅
- d. Stain well with Gram’s stain
- The etiologic agent of botulism is a
- a. Neurotoxin ✅
- b. Endotoxin
- c. Enterotoxin
- d. All of the above
- The bacterial cells are at their metabolic peak during
- a. Lag phase
- b. Log ✅
- c. Stationary
- d. Decline
- Protein particles which can infect are called
- a. Virons
- b. Prions ✅
- c. Nucleoids
- d. None of these