DHA Exam Questions for Lab Technician

General questions

  1. One is not involved in colorimetric:
    a) Cuvette
    b) Light source
    c) Photo sensor and analyzer
    d) Fuel source
    e) Filter ✅

  2. The atomic mass of an atom is the number of:
    a) Protons and neutrons ✅
    b) Protons only
    c) Neutrons only
    d) Electrons
    e) None of the above

  3. Deionization of impure water means:
    a) Boiling
    b) Filtration
    c) Exchange of protons and electrons ✅

  4. If you see this sign (symbol) in the lab, it means:
    a) Flammable
    b) Corrosive
    c) Oxidizing
    d) Explosive
    e) Toxic ✅

  5. Most common method (technique) used to detect hormone amount in the laboratories:
    a) Spectrophotometry
    b) Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) ✅

  6. Test should be kept away from light:
    a) Serum bilirubin ✅

  7. Buffer solution is:
    a) Changing color when changing pH
    b) Resist acidic pH
    c) Resist alkaline pH
    d) Weak acid + weak base
    e) Strong acid + weak base ✅

  8. An indicator is:
    a) Change color with change pH ✅
    b) Resist acidic pH
    c) Resist alkaline pH
    d) Weak acid + weak base
    e) Strong acid + weak base

  9. Heparin is:
    a) Protein
    b) Enzyme
    c) Polysaccharide ✅
    d) Oligosaccharide
    e) None of the above

  10. Not found in flame photometry:
    a) Burner
    b) Filter ✅
    c) Fuel source
    d) Cuvette for sample
    e) Photo

  11. Low effective sterilization with:
    a) Ethyl alcohol 70%
    b) Methyl alcohol
    c) Chloroform
    d) 5% phenol
    e) 5% cresol ✅

  12. Prolonged fasting causes:
    a) Hyperglycemia
    b) Ketones in urine ✅

  13. Lens near the slide in a light microscope:
    a) Objective ✅
    b) Eye lenses

  14. Does not sterilize with a hot air oven:
    a) Dry glassware
    b) Oil
    c) Powder
    d) Waxes
    e) Rubber gloves ✅

  15. Autoclave sterilizes at a temperature of:
    a) 121°C for 20-30 minutes ✅

  16. Alkali skin burn treatment by neutralization with:
    a) Sodium bicarbonate powder ✅
    b) Boric acid
    c) Acetic acid 1%
    d) Cold water
    e) Hot water

  17. You do not take this stage for treating a small cut in an emergency:
    a) Clean with soap and water
    b) Apply pressure with a piece
    c) Immediately rinse mouth well with water
    d) Cover it with a sterile dressing
    e) Sterilize ✅

  18. The (U) unit is used to evaluate:
    a) Protein in serum
    b) Hemoglobin
    c) Hormone assay
    d) Enzymatic activity ✅

  19. During the reaction of two chemical substances, the color produced is assessed by:
    a) Spectrophotometer ✅
    b) Flame photometer

  20. To detect pH from a solution, use:
    a) pH meter
    b) Indicator
    c) Micrometer

  21. This symbol means, when you see it in the laboratory:
    a) Acute flammable
    b) Toxic
    c) Corrosive
    d) Explosive ✅

  22. The microscope used to investigate syphilis is:
    a) Light microscope
    b) Ultraviolet microscope
    c) Dark field microscope ✅

  23. How much water should we add to 500ml of a 10% NaOH solution to bring it to 7.5%?
    a) 666
    b) 250
    c) 166 ✅

  24. Calibrator sera are:
    a) Secondary standards
    b) Internal standards
    c) Primary standards ✅

  25. A buffer is made of:
    a) A strong acid + a strong salt
    b) A weak acid + a weak salt
    c) A weak acid + a strong salt ✅

  26. The difference between plasma and serum is that plasma:
    a) Does not contain fibrinogen
    b) Has more water
    c) Contains fibrinogen (Plasma) ✅

  27. Five ml of a colored solution has an absorbance of 0.500nm. The absorbance of 10ml of the same solution is:
    a) 1.000nm
    b) 0.250nm
    c) 0.500nm ✅

  28. Plasma or serum should be separated at the earliest time for glucose estimation because:
    a) Glucose value increases with time
    b) Lysis of blood will occur
    c) Glucose value decreases with time ✅

  29. Wavelength visible to the naked eye:
    a) 400-700 nm ✅

  30. Purpose of standard deviation:
    a) To measure external quality control
    b) To measure internal quality control
    c) Precision & accuracy
    d) Both a & b ✅

  31. Substance used in catalyzing reactions:
    a) H2O2 ✅

  1. The concentration of total bilirubin in the serum of a normal adult ranges at:
    a) 0.1 – 1 mg/dl ✅
    b) 0.1 – 1 µg/dl
    c) 1 – 10 mg/dl
    d) 10 – 20 mg/dl
    e) 100 – 110 mg/dl

  2. Laboratory tests of hepatic function include:
    a) Serum bilirubin
    b) Urine bilirubin
    c) Excretory function test
    d) All of the above ✅

  3. Marked elevations in serum amylase levels are seen in:
    a) Bone disease
    b) Acute pancreatitis
    c) Salivary gland lesions
    d) Liver disease
    e) B and C ✅

  4. Glycogen, the storage form of carbohydrates in the body, is predominantly found in:
    a) Liver tissue
    b) Muscle tissue
    c) Liver and muscle ✅
    d) Bone
    e) B and D

  5. The hormone insulin helps to maintain constant plasma glucose concentration by:
    a) Allowing entry of glucose from plasma into muscle and fat tissue ✅
    b) Moving glucose out of cells into the plasma
    c) Inhibiting glycolysis
    d) All the above mechanisms
    e) None of the above mechanisms

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