DHA Exam Questions for Lab Technician


  1. Infective stage of Enterobius vermicularis is:
    a) Larva
    b) Cercaria
    c) Egg
    d) Cyst
    e) Metacercaria ✅

  2. The definitive host is an animal:
    a) Entamoeba histolytica
    b) Toxoplasma gondii ✅
    c) Trypanosoma cruzi
    d) E. coli
    e) Giardia lamblia

  3. Parasite can cause fetal cerebral infection:
    a) Taenia
    b) Toxoplasma gondii ✅

  4. Intracellular parasite:
    a) E. coli
    b) Toxoplasma gondii ✅
    c) Giardia lamblia
    d) Trypanosoma cruzi
    e) Trichomonas vaginalis

  5. Non-motile protozoa:
    a) E. coli
    b) Entamoeba histolytica ✅
    c) Trypanosoma cruzi
    d) Giardia lamblia
    e) Trichomonas vaginalis

  6. Identification of Leishmania parasite:
    a) Lymph node aspirate ✅

  7. Infective stage of Taenia:
    a) Larva
    b) Cercaria
    c) Embryonated egg ✅
    d) Cyst
    e) Metacercaria

  8. Autoinfection of humans can be caused in case of:
    a) Enterobius vermicularis ✅
    b) Taenia sp.
    c) Ancylostoma duodenale
    d) Ascaris lumbricoides

  9. Iodine stain of Entamoeba cyst is used to detect (diagnose):
    a) Chromatoidal bars ✅
    b) Cell wall
    c) Nuclei

  10. Diagnostic stage of Ascaris lumbricoides:
    a) Finding of a typical fertilized egg in stool ✅

  11. Parasite can be detected in vaginal and urethral discharge:
    a) Trichomonas vaginalis ✅

  12. Blood of microfilaria infection diagnostic with:
    a) Wuchereria bancrofti ✅

  13. Oocyst is beneficial to diagnose:
    a) E. histolytica
    b) E. coli
    c) Toxoplasma gondii
    d) Giardia lamblia ✅
    e) Trypanosoma cruzi

  14. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is transmitted by:
    a) Phlebotomus sand fly ✅

  15. Schistosoma hematobium diagnosis:
    a) Egg in urine with terminal spine ✅

  16. One of these organisms multiplies as an intracellular parasite:
    a) Giardia lamblia
    b) Entamoeba histolytica
    c) E. coli
    d) Trypanosoma cruzi
    e) Toxoplasma gondii ✅

  17. Infective stage of Ascaris lumbricoides:
    a) Larva ✅
    b) Cercaria
    c) Egg
    d) Cyst
    e) Metacercaria

  18. The worm that causes blood in urine:
    a) Ascaris
    b) Fasciola
    c) Schistosoma haematobium ✅

  19. Generally diagnosed by recovery & identification of typical larva in stool:
    a) Hookworms ✅
    b) Trichuris trichiura
    c) Strongyloides stercoralis

  20. Which of the following does not lay eggs in the small intestine:
    a) Hookworm
    b) Trichuris saginata
    c) Pinworm ✅

  21. Poliomyelitis is transmitted through:
    a) Skin
    b) Respiration
    c) Feco-oral ✅

  22. A parasite that does not deposit eggs in the intestine:
    a) E. vermicularis (Pinworm)
    b) A. duodenale
    c) A. lumbricoides
    d) T. saginata
    e) T. spiralis ✅

  23. The causative parasite of Egyptian bilharziasis:
    a) Trichomonas vaginalis
    b) Schistosoma haematobium ✅
    c) Schistosoma japonicum
    d) Schistosoma mansoni
    e) All of the above

  24. Best for identification of parasites if not visible in stool (Negative in stool):
    a) Concentration technique ✅

  25. Identification of fertilized eggs in feces:
    a) Ascaris lumbricoides ✅

  26. Sugar cannot be detected in urine using copper reduction test:
    a) Fructose
    b) Galactose
    c) Arabinose
    d) Sucrose ✅

  27. The infective stage of Ancylostoma duodenale is:
    a) Eggs in stool
    b) Larva in stool ✅
    c) Larva in tissue
    d) Cysticercus bovis

  28. What practical cardiolipin is applicable in laboratory work:
    a) FTA
    b) VDRL & RPR ✅
    c) RPR only
    d) VDRL only

  29. The intermediate host of Toxoplasma is:
    a) Dog
    b) Cat
    c) Mouse
    d) All
    e) None ✅

  30. A semen specimen contains sugar, the source of spermatozoa energy is:
    a) Glucose
    b) Mannose
    c) Galactose
    d) Fructose
    e) Sucrose ✅

  31. To check intestinal efficacy, the following test is done:
    a) Pepsin
    b) Lipase
    c) Stool fats ✅

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