Quiz Answers
- Nosocomial infection means infection acquired from:
- a. Shops
- b. Community
- c. Hospitals ✅
- d. Households
- The specimen taken from a dead dog for diagnosis of rabies is:
- a. Spleen
- b. Brain ✅
- c. Liver
- d. Tongue
- For separation of serum, blood is collected in:
- a. EDTA
- b. Heparin
- c. Sodium citrate
- d. Dry tubes without any chemicals ✅
- Bacterial colonies having a raised or bulging centre is called:
- a. Umbilicate
- b. Flat
- c. Umbonate ✅
- d. Pinpoint
- Methyl red test is used to detect:
- a. Acid production from glucose ✅
- b. Indole production
- c. Urease production
- d. Hydrogen sulphide production
- The most common enzyme used in a polymerase chain reaction is:
- a. RNA polymerase
- b. Taq polymerase ✅
- c. Reverse transcriptase
- d. DNA ligase
- The agar recommended for antibiotic sensitivity testing is:
- a. Nutrient agar
- b. Potato dextrose agar
- c. MacConkey agar
- d. Mueller Hinton agar ✅
- Which among the following is not a platform test for milk?
- a. Total plate count test ✅
- b. Organoleptic test
- c. Alcohol test
- d. Clot on boiling test
- Urinary crystal having coffin lid appearance is:
- a. Uric acid
- b. Triple phosphate ✅
- c. Calcium oxalate
- d. Urate
- Drepanocytes are seen in:
- a. Alcoholism
- b. Thalassaemia
- c. Uremia
- d. Sickle cell anaemia ✅
- Urobilinogen is completely absent in:
- a. Obstructive jaundice ✅
- b. Hemolytic jaundice
- c. Hepatic jaundice
- d. Physiological jaundice
- Non specific PAS staining is encountered after this fixation:
- a. Mercuric chloride
- b. Potassium dichromate
- c. Osmium tetroxide
- d. Glutaraldehyde ✅
- DIC is a complication of:
- a. Acute promyelocytic leukaemia ✅
- b. Chronic myeloid leukaemia
- c. Hairy cell leukaemia
- d. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
- Black coloured urine is a feature of:
- a. Phenyl ketonuria
- b. Alkaptonuria ✅
- c. Urinary tract infections
- d. Keto acidosis
- Glanzmann’s disease is associated with:
- a. Defective platelet aggregation ✅
- b. Defective platelet adhesion
- c. Normal clot retraction
- d. None of these
- Length of Wintrobes haematocrit tube:
- a. 9cm
- b. 19cm
- c. 11 cm ✅
- d. 12cm
- Betke-Kleihauer method is used to detect:
- a. HbA
- b. HbF ✅
- c. HbC
- d. None of these
- Green coloured vacutainer tube contains:
- a. Fluoride
- b. EDTA
- c. Citrate
- d. Heparin ✅
- Coulter counter is based on:
- a. Impedence method ✅
- b. Light reflection
- c. Light refraction
- d. All the above
- The stain used to demonstrate Barr Body:
- a. H&E stain
- b. Reliculin stain
- c. PAS stain
- d. Shorr stain ✅
- Glycosidic linkage in maltose is:
- a. Alpha 1-4 linkage ✅
- b. Beta 1-4 linkage
- c. Alpha 1-6 linkage
- d. Alpha 1-2 linkage
- Bence Johns protein is seen in:
- a. Nephrotic syndrome
- b. Multiple myeloma ✅
- c. Cirrhosis of liver
- d. Hepatitis
- Amino acids involved in creatinine synthesis:
- a. Glycine
- b. Arginine
- c. Methionine
- d. All the above ✅
- Cocci arranged in packets of eight:
- a. Micrococci
- b. Gonococci ✅
- c. Sarcina
- d. Pneumococci
- Which among the following is a best marker of myocardial ischemia?
- a. ALP
- b. GGT
- c. Cystatin C
- d. CKMB (mass) ✅
- Microalbuminuria is defined as:
- a. < 10 mg Albumin/day
- b. 30-300 mg Albumin/day ✅
- c. 1-3 gm Albumin/day
- d. > 1-3 mg Albumin/day
- Leukemia may be suspected when a manual hematocrit determination reveals:
- a. A high hematocrit
- b. Hemolysis
- c. A heavy buffy coat ✅
- d. Icteric plasma
- A donor who recently tested positive for HBsAg should be deferred:
- a. Permanently ✅
- b. For 5 years
- c. For 6 months
- d. For 1 year
- Which of the following enzymes are present in heart muscle? 1. lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) (LD) 2. creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) (CK) 3. serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT):
- a. 1,2, and 3 ✅
- b. 1 and 2 only
- c. 2 only
- d. 2 and 3 only
- Antihuman serum globulin (Coombs) is NOT used in performing:
- a. D(u) testing
- b. Reverse typing ✅
- c. Autoagglutination tests
- d. Immunoglobulin testing
- The principle involved in some automated blood cell counters is based on the:
- a. Weight of the hemoglobin in the red cell
- b. Size of the particle being counted ✅
- c. Value of the cell indices
- d. Amount of hemoglobin in the red cell
- In serologic tests for syphilis, reagin reactivity may result from an acute or chronic infection such as:
- a. Infectious hepatitis
- b. Lupus erythematosus ✅
- c. Helicobacter pylori
- d. Pneumonia
- Most of the plasma thyroxine (T4) is:
- a. Bound to albumin
- b. Free
- c. Bound to cholesterol
- d. Bound to globulin ✅
- Which one of the following may detect a hemolytic transfusion reaction?
- a. Serum haptoglobin ✅
- b. Pre-transfusion bilirubin
- c. Urine porphyrins
- d. Post-transfusion red blood count and hemoglobin
- A trophozoite of Entamoeba histolytica usually contains:
- a. Red blood cells in the cytoplasm ✅
- b. A coarse, granular, blunt pseudopod
- c. Bacteria and coarse granules in the cytoplasm
- d. Eccentrically located endosome in the nucleus
- Beer’s law states that the darker the color produced, the more light absorbed in the specimen; the more light absorbed, the:
- a. Lower the concentration of the analyte
- b. Longer the wavelength required
- c. Higher the concentration of the analyte ✅
- d. More light transmitted
- In using a urinometer to measure specific gravity, the correction factor for each 3 degrees C higher or lower than calibration temperature is:
- a. +/- 1.001
- b. +/- 0.001 ✅
- c. +/- 0.100
- d. +/- 0.010
- A mother is Rh(D) negative. The father is homozygous Rh(D) positive. All of their offspring will be:
- a. Homozygous Rh(D) positive
- b. Heterozygous Rh(D) positive ✅
- c. Erythroblastotic
- d. 50% Rh(D) positive and 50% Rh(D) negative
- The organism that can cause rheumatic fever and/or glomerular nephritis is:
- a. Staphylococcus haemolyticus
- b. Streptococcus pyogenes ✅
- c. Streptococcus viridans
- d. Staphylococcus aureus
- A reactive fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA-AB) test:
- a. Indicates the severity of infection
- b. Confirms the presence of treponemal antibodies ✅
- c. Indicates no infection
- d. Is positive during the chancre stage
- The end-product of purine metabolism is:
- a. Creatine
- b. Uric acid ✅
- c. Creatinine
- d. Urea
- Sodium is responsible for the maintenance of:
- a. Blood coagulation
- b. Osmotic pressure of body fluids ✅
- c. Salt intake
- d. Cardiac muscle contractions
- The type of anemia usually associated with severe burns is:
- a. Microcytic
- b. Macrocytic
- c. Hemolytic ✅
- d. Aplastic
- Hansel’s stain is appropriate for:
- a. Phagocytic neutrophils
- b. Nasal secretion for eosinophiles ✅
- c. Circulating eosinophiles
- d. Leukocytes in spinal fluid
- Bordet-Gengou and Eugon agar base with fresh blood is used for the isolation of:
- a. Pasteurella
- b. Bordetella ✅
- c. Haemophilus
- d. Yersinia
- When a patient has been sensitized, which of the following tests would be used to help identify the antibody that is attached to the patient’s cells IN VIVO?
- a. Elution ✅
- b. Direct anti-human globulin test
- c. Indirect anti-human globulin test
- d. D(u)
- Cell/antibody mixtures used in tube testing to determine ABO Group should be centrifuged for:
- a. 15-30 seconds @ 1000 ✅
- b. 5 min @ 5000
- c. 2 min @ 2000
- d. 3 min @ 3000
- Which of the following tests is used to measure capillary fragility?
- a. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
- b. Prothrombin time
- c. Bleeding time
- d. Tourniquet ✅
- According to the Lancefield scheme of classifying the Streptococcus species, the ne
- a. A
- b. B
- c. C
- d. D ✅
- During the crossmatch procedure, a negative result on the addition of Coombs control cells indicated that the:
- a. Antiglobulin reagent is detecting antibody globulin, indicating adequate washing during the crossmatch procedures.
- b. Crossmatch is incompatible
- c. Antiglobulin reagent is inactivated, neutralized, or not added to the test. ✅
- d. Crossmatch is compatible and the blood may be infused