Red Blood Cells (RBCs) MCQs
- The peripheral blood smear of a silent carrier of α thalassemia typically appears as:
- Normocytic, normochromic
- Macrocytic, normochromic
- Microcytic, hypochromic✅
- Macrocytic, hypochromic
- Sideroblastic anemia is NOT characterized by:
- Ineffective erythropoiesis
- Ring sideroblasts
- Decreased serum ferritin ✅
- Increased iron stores in bone marrow
- Dimorphic red cells
- Anemia of chronic disorders is found in cases of:
- Lung abscess
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Chronic renal failure
- Tuberculosis
- All of the above ✅
- Direct Coomb’s test is negative in:
- Lymphoproliferative disorders
- Collagen diseases
- Rh incompatibility
- Congenital spherocytosis ✅
- All these can cause macrocytic anemias except:
- Liver disease
- Aplastic anemia
- Thalassemias ✅
- Acute hemolytic anemia
- Acute blood loss
- Laboratory diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia is by all of the following except:
- Blood picture: pancytopenia megaloblastic erythropoiesis
- Positive intrinsic factor antibodies
- Positive antiparietal cell antibodies
- Increased serum vit.B12 ✅
- In megaloblastic anemia one of the following is not true:
- Mild thrombocytopenia
- Mild leucopenia
- Hypochromia ✅
- Decreased serum vitamin B12 or folate
- Macrocytosis
- Causes of macrocytic anemias include:
- Liver diseases
- Aplastic anemia
- Pernicious anemia
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- All of the above ✅
- Which of the following is NOT a cause of normochromic normocytic anemia:
- Acute blood loss
- Aplastic anemia
- Anemia due to chronic disorders
- Hemolytic anemia
- Thalassemia ✅
- Aplastic anemia is a condition characterized by:
- B12 deficiency
- Increased reticulocyte count
- Pancytopenia
- Hypocellular BM
- Both C & D ✅
- Laboratory findings in aplastic anemia include all of the following except:
- Low reticulocyte count
- Normocellular bone marrow ✅
- High ESR
- Low neutrophil count
- Low Hb level
- Laboratory evidence of hemolysis includes all of the following except:
- Hyperbilirubinaemia (indirect)
- Reticulocytosis
- Increased urine urobilinogen
- Increased haptoglobin ✅
- Bone marrow show erythroid hyperplasia
- Which of the following is NOT true for congenital spherocytosis:
- Increased serum bilirubin
- Increased osmotic fragility
- Positive direct Coomb’s test ✅
- Increased reticulocytes
- Negative indirect Coomb’s test
- Which of the following is NOT found in G6PD deficiency:
- Hemoglobinemia
- Hemoglobinuria
- Low enzyme level during the hemolytic attacks✅
- Increased reticulocyte count
- Anemia