Quiz Answers
- Gas gangrene bacillus is
- a. Facultative anaerobe
- b. Obligate anaerobe ✅
- c. Facultative aerobe
- d. Obligate aerobe
- Coagulase test is used for
- a. Salmonella
- b. Staphylococcus ✅
- c. Bordetella
- d. Pneumococcus
- HIV is belonging to
- a. Retro Viridae ✅
- b. Rhabdo Viridae
- c. Toga Viridae
- d. Paramyxo Viridae
- Special feature of Retro viruses
- a. Reverse transcriptase
- b. RNA directed DNA polymerases
- c. Both a & b ✅
- d. Boils
- AIDS virus is
- a. RNA virus
- b. DNA virus
- c. Retro virus ✅
- d. Entero virus
- AIDS is caused by
- a. HTLV – I
- b. Bunya virus
- c. HTLV – III
- d. All ✅
- Which of the following organisms is most commonly associated with AIDS pneumonia?
- a. Klebsiella
- b. Str. pneumonia
- c. Mycoplasma
- d. Mycobacterium tuberculosis ✅
- Seroconversion in HIV infection takes place in
- a. 3 weeks
- b. 6 weeks
- c. 9 weeks ✅
- d. 12 weeks
- Following is the marker of HIV infection in blood:
- a. Reverse transcriptase ✅
- b. DNA polymerase
- c. RNA polymerase
- d. None of these
- Which of the following is the most specific in diagnosis of AIDS?
- a. IHA
- b. Western blot ✅
- c. ELISA
- d. Immuno electrophoresis
- The interval period between HIV infection and appearance of antibodies in serum is called
- a. Intrinsic period
- b. Incubation period
- c. Window period ✅
- d. None of these
- Screening test for AIDS is
- a. Western blot test
- b. ELISA test ✅
- c. Both a and b
- d. VDRL test
- Confirmatory test for AIDS is
- a. Western blot test ✅
- b. ELISA test
- c. Karpas test
- d. Fujerbio test
- The most common infection in AIDS is
- a. LGV
- b. CMV
- c. Pneumocystis carinii ✅
- d. Syphilis
- During AIDS, HIV infects
- a. CD3 lymphocytes
- b. CD4 lymphocytes ✅
- c. CD2 lymphocytes
- d. B lymphocytes
- Lab diagnosis of Leishmaniasis is done by
- a. CFT
- b. Peripheral smear
- c. Blood culture
- d. All of these ✅
- Those fungi which do not have a sexual stage are classified as
- a. Phycomycetes
- b. Ascomycetes
- c. Basidiomycetes
- d. Fungi imperfecti ✅
- Tinea capitis is
- a. Ringworm of the foot
- b. Ringworm of scalp
- c. Ringworm of non-hairy skin of the body ✅
- d. Both a and c
- Diagnosis of bacterial disease can be made by
- a. Finding bacteria in pathological fluids
- b. Isolation of bacteria by culture from exudates or blood
- c. Both a and b ✅
- d. None of these
- Staphylococcus aureus are characterized by
- a. Formation of acid in sucrose, dextrose
- b. Liquefaction of gelatin due to production of gelatinase
- c. Strains are catalase positive ✅
- d. All of the above
- e. None of these
- Cholera occurs in _ form
- a. Endemic
- b. Epidemic
- c. Sporadic
- d. All ✅
- e. None of these
- Endemic typhus is caused by
- a. R. mooseri ✅
- b. R. quintana
- c. R. prowazekii
- d. Any of them
- e. None of these
- A man is usually infected for tick typhus by –
- a. Drinking milk of sick animals
- b. Tending cattle
- c. Inhaling infected dust ✅
- d. All of these
- In Gram-positive bacteria, the ratio of RNA to DNA is
- a. 8 : 1 ✅
- b. 1 : 2
- c. Almost equal
- d. None of these
- Ziehl-Neelson stain is a __
- a. Simple stain
- b. Counter stain
- c. Differential stain ✅
- d. None of them
- Wet mount slide preparations are used in microbiology as they allow to see
- a. Size and shape of individual organisms
- b. Characteristic arrangement or grouping of cells
- c. Motility of the organism
- d. All of these ✅
- e. None of these
- Organism resistant to degradative lysosomal enzymes includes
- a. M. tuberculosis
- b. Legionella pneumophila
- c. M. leprae
- d. Both a and b
- e. Both b and c ✅
- Freeze-etch particles (used in preparing cells for electron microscopy) can be located in the
- a. Cytoplasm
- b. Cell wall
- c. Cell membrane ✅
- d. Nucleus
- The properties common to Gram-positive and Gram-negative cell walls are
- a. Equal susceptibility to hydrolysis by lysozyme
- b. Peptide crosslinks between polysaccharides
- c. Rigid peptidoglycan activity
- d. Greater resistance to drying than vegetative cells. ✅
- e. All of these
- The main difference in true bacteria and mycoplasma is that it does not possess –
- a. Flagella
- b. Cell wall ✅
- c. ATP synthesis
- d. A capsule
- The organism responsible for retarding penetration of host cells by an inhibitor of ATP synthesis.
- a. M. pneumoniae
- b. Rickettsia rickettsii ✅
- c. Chlamydia trachomatis
- d. Chlamydia psitacci
- Mycoplasmas differ from Chlamydia in that, it
- a. Has ability to cause urinary tract infection
- b. Lack of a true bacterial cell wall ✅
- c. Susceptible to penicillin
- d. All of these
- e. None of these
- Fungal disease in humans is caused by –
- a. Inhalation of conidia
- b. Invasion of mucous membranes
- c. Contamination of wounds with conidia or mycelial fragments
- d. All of these ✅
- e. None of these
- Fungi differ with bacteria in that it –
- a. Contain no peptidoglycan
- b. Are prokaryotic
- c. Susceptible to griseofulvin
- d. Have nuclear membranes
- e. All of these ✅
- A polysaccharide capsule is present on Cryptococci which –
- a. Inhibits phagocytosis ✅
- b. Is an aid to diagnosis
- c. Cross-reacts with rheumatoid factor
- d. All of these
- The largest protozoan is –
- a. Balantidium coli ✅
- b. Entamoeba coli
- c. Trichomonas vaginalis
- d. Toxoplasma gondii
- Premunition is particularly seen in –
- a. Ascaris
- b. Giardia
- c. Plasmodium ✅
- d. None of these
- Which of the following vaccines contains an attenuated form of bacteria?
- a. BCG ✅
- b. TAB
- c. Polio
- d. Cholera
- The bacteria, which is motile at 22°C but non-motile at 37°C is
- a. Transformation
- b. Transduction
- c. Conjugation
- d. Cell fusion ✅
- Teichoic acid is –
- a. Found in the walls of Gram-positive bacteria ✅
- b. Provide receptors for phages
- c. Make up the outer wall of Gram-negative bacteria
- d. Influence the permeability of the membrane
- One flagellum at one end of the organism is called –
- a. Monotrichate ✅
- b. Amphitrichate
- c. Lophotrichate
- d. Peritrichate
- What is the function of the bacterial capsule?
- a. Production of organism from phagocytosis
- b. Helps in adherence of bacteria to surfaces in its environment
- c. Both a and b ✅
- d. None of these
- Which of the following is the characteristic of bacterial spores?
- a. Highly refractile
- b. Usually dehydrated
- c. Sensitive to formaldehyde
- d. All of these ✅
- Which of the following are acid-fast structures?
- a. Mycobacteria
- b. Bacterial spores
- c. Nocardia
- d. All of these ✅
- All of the following are acid-fast structures except
- a. Clostridium ✅
- b. Bacterial spores
- c. Exoskeleton
- d. None of these
- All of the following are energy sources of bacteria except
- a. Oxidation of inorganic compounds
- b. Oxidation of organic compounds
- c. Absorption of heat ✅
- d. Utilization of visible light
- Identify the obligate anaerobes
- a. Salmonella
- b. Vibrio cholerae
- c. Cl. tetani ✅
- d. Sarcinae
- Streptococci which are destroyed at 60°C for 30 minutes
- a. Peptostreptococci
- b. Strepto viridans
- c. Strepto hemolyticus
- d. All of these ✅
- Toxins or enzymes which are not produced by Streptococcus pyrogenes
- a. Hyaluronidase ✅
- b. Phosphatase
- c. Hemolysin
- d. Streptokinase
- Cholera red reaction is identified by
- a. Sulphuric acid ✅
- b. Nitric acid
- c. Hydrochloric acid
- d. Carbolic acid