Quiz Answers
- The difference between plasma & serum is that plasma?
- a. Does not contain fibrinogen
- b. Has more water
- c. Contains fibrinogen ✅
- Five ml of colored solution has an absorbance of 0.500 nm. The absorbance of 10 ml of the same solution is?
- a. 1.000 nm ✅
- b. 0.250 nm
- c. 0.500 nm
- Plasma or serum should be separated at the earliest time for estimation of glucose because?
- a. Glucose value increases with time
- b. Lysis of blood will occur
- c. Glucose value decreases with time ✅
- Sensitivity & specificity are?
- a. Directly related
- b. They mean the same
- c. None of the above ✅
- A dichromatic analysis is carried out to increase?
- a. Linearity
- b. Specificity
- c. Sensitivity ✅
- Causes of high serum bilirubin are?
- a. Overload on liver
- b. Hemolysis
- c. All of the previous ✅
- Poliomyelitis is transmitted through?
- a. Skin
- b. Respiration
- c. Feco-oral ✅
- Malaria does not grow in?
- a. EDTA blood
- b. Heparinized blood
- c. Plasma ✅
- Species that causes food poisoning?
- a. Staph albus
- b. Salmonella typhi
- c. Salmonella enteritidis ✅
- Hemophilia man married to normal woman. The incidence of his children is?
- a. Carrier male
- b. Diseased female
- c. Carrier female ✅
- Which of the following causes UTI & INDOL positive?
- a. Klebsiella
- b. Staphylococci
- c. E. coli ✅
- Blood transfusion can transmit?
- a. HIV
- b. CMV
- c. All of the previous ✅
- ADH is secreted from?
- a. Thyroid gland
- b. Anterior pituitary
- c. Posterior pituitary ✅
- One of the following enzymes is affected by hemolysis?
- a. SGOT
- b. SGPT
- c. LDH ✅
- HbA1C of diabetic patient is important for?
- a. He has to come fasting
- b. Short term follow-up
- c. Long term follow-up ✅
- For glucose tolerance test?
- a. Collect 5 blood samples only
- b. Collect 5 urine samples only
- c. Collect 5 blood samples + 5 urine samples ✅
- One of the following heart enzymes is measured after 4-8 hours of chest pain?
- a. GOT
- b. LDH
- c. CPK ✅
- Light affects one of the following?
- a. Glucose
- b. Urea
- c. Bilirubin ✅
- One of the following is a specific diagnostic liver enzyme?
- a. GOT
- b. LDH
- c. GPT ✅
- One of the following is important before anesthesia?
- a. Alkaline phosphatase
- b. Acidic phosphatase
- c. Pseudocholine esterase ✅
- Acid phosphatase is?
- a. Heart enzyme
- b. Liver enzyme
- c. Prostatic enzyme ✅
- In uric acid estimation?
- a. It’s affected by carbohydrate meal
- b. No need for fasting
- c. The patient has to come fasting ✅
- All of the following are affected by a meal except?
- a. Glucose
- b. Albumin
- c. Creatinine ✅
- Na is the main?
- a. Intracellular anion
- b. Intracellular cation
- c. Extracellular cation ✅
- One of the following electrolytes is affected by hemolysis?
- a. Ca
- b. Mg
- c. K ✅