Renal Function and Related Topics MCQs
- One of the following in NOT a feature of chronic renal failure:
- A. Increased BUN
- B. Increased serum creatinine
- C. Increased serum potassium
- D. Decreased serum calcium
- E. Decreased serum inorganic phosphate ✅
- Hyperuricemia is seen in:
- A. Leukemia✅
- B. Nephrotic syndrome
- C. D.I.
- D. High protein diet
- E. Advanced liver cirrhosis
- Increased serum urea with normal serum creatinine is seen in:
- A. GIT hemorrhage ✅
- B. Acute glomerulonephritis
- C. Chronic renal failure
- D. Prostatic enlargement
- E. Renal artery stenosis
- Serum urea is NOT increased in:
- A. Severe liver disease ✅
- B. Congestive heart failure
- C. Acute glomerulonephritis
- D. Dehydration
- E. Chronic renal failure
- Oliguria occurs in:
- A. Hypercalcemia
- B. Acute glomerulonephritis ✅
- C. Diuretic phase of Acute renal failure
- D. Nephrogenic D.I.
- E. Acute tubular necrosis
- Concerning serum creatinine, one of the following statements is NOT true:
- A. It is the end product of muscle creatine
- B. It is higher in children than in adults ✅
- C. It is higher in males than females
- D. It is inversely related to GFR
- E. It is increased in acute and chronic glomerulonephritis
- Concerning urinary casts, one of the following statements is NOT true:
- A. Hyaline casts may be found in the urine of healthy subjects
- B. Lipoid casts are found in nephritic syndrome
- C. Red blood cell casts are pathognomonic of acute glomerulonephritis
- D. White cell casts are found in pyelonephritis
- E. Lipoid casts are found in nephritic syndrome ✅
- The aspect of urine remains clear in the presence of increased amount of:
- A. Epithelial cells
- B. WBCs
- C. RBCs
- D. Protein✅
- E. Amorphous urate
- Which of the following laboratory findings is pathognomonic of acute glomerulonephritis:
- A. Oliguria
- B. Hematuria
- C. Red blood cell casts ✅
- D. Pyuria
- E. Albuminuria
- Which of the following conditions is accompanied by increased urine specific gravity:
- A. Hysterical polydipsia
- B. DM ✅
- C. Pituitary D.I.
- D. Nephrogenic D.I.
- E. Chronic renal failure
- A patient is oliguric when their urine volume is less than:
- A. 1000 mL/24 hours
- B. 800 mL/24 hours
- C. 700 mL/24 hours
- D. 400 mL/24 hours ✅
- E. 100 mL/24 hours
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