MCQ Test
251. The Kingdom of recyclers is known as _____.
A. Algae
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Embryophata
252. Unicellular yeast cells reproduce by _____.
A. Sporing
B. Conidiation
C. Budding
D. Both “A” and “B”
253. Interferons protect healthy cells by production of?
A. Antibacterial proteins
B. Antifungal proteins
C. Antiviral proteins
D. Antiprotozoal proteins
254. Branch of Microbiology related with the study of fungi:
A. Protozoology
B. Phycology
C. Mycology
D. Biotechnology
255. Penicillin acts by inhibiting:
A. Cell wall synthesis
B. RNA synthesis
C. Folate synthesis
D. DNA gyrase
256. Schizogony is a mode of reproduction in:
A. Algae
B. Protozoa
C. Fungi
D. Embryophata
257. Disease that affects many people in different countries is termed as:
A. Sporadic
B. Epidemic
C. Pandemic
D. Endemic
258. Some bacteria form dormant structures during harsh environmental conditions, which are known as:
A. Endospore
B. Capsule
C. Cyst
D. Bud
259. Many clostridial diseases require a/an _____ environment for their development.
A. Living tissue
B. Anaerobic
C. Aerobic
D. Low-pH
260. Bacterial cells multiply rapidly during:
A. Lag phase
B. Log phase
C. Death phase
D. Stationary phase
261. A group of fungal hyphae is called _____.
A. Filtering body
B. Mycelia
C. Conidia
D. Yeast
262. Most human pathogenic bacteria are:
A. Psychrophiles
B. Psychrotrophes
C. Thermophiles
D. Mesophiles
263. DNA contains:
A. Alanine
B. Thymine
C. Uracil
D. Arginine
264. The type of immunity through vaccination is:
A. Active natural acquired immunity
B. Passive artificial acquired immunity
C. Passive natural acquired immunity
D. Active artificial acquired immunity
265. Shrinkage of the cell occurs in _____ environment.
A. Hypotonic
B. Hypertonic
C. Isotonic
D. None of these
266. A bacterium is a _____ type of organism.
A. Prokaryotic
B. Eukaryotic
C. Fungal
D. None of these
267. The major cause of foodborne illness in the United States is:
A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Parasites
D. Chemicals
268. What type of bacteria is responsible for the spoilage of meat?
A. Lactic acid bacteria
B. Pseudomonas
C. E. coli
D. Bacillus
269. Which of the following is a common method for sterilizing surgical instruments?
A. Boiling
B. Autoclaving
C. Disinfecting
D. Wiping with alcohol
270. The term used to describe bacteria that prefer low temperatures is:
A. Mesophiles
B. Thermophiles
C. Psychrophiles
D. Halophiles
271. Which organism is known as a cause of opportunistic infections in immunocompromised individuals?
A. Aspergillus
B. Lactobacillus
C. Bacillus
D. Streptococcus
272. The term used to describe the transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another by a bacteriophage is:
A. Transduction
B. Transformation
C. Conjugation
D. Transfection
273. The most common method of bacterial identification is:
A. Biochemical testing
B. Gram staining
C. Molecular techniques
D. Culture growth
274. The structure responsible for the motility of bacteria is:
A. Fimbriae
B. Flagella
C. Pili
D. Capsule
275. The enzyme that adds nucleotides to the growing DNA strand during replication is:
A. DNA polymerase
B. RNA polymerase
C. Ligase
D. Helicase
276. The pH of an optimal environment for most bacteria is:
A. 1-3
B. 4-6
C. 7-9
D. 10-12
277. Bacteria that require oxygen for growth are called:
A. Anaerobes
B. Aerobes
C. Microaerophiles
D. Facultative anaerobes
278. The process of heat treatment to kill pathogens in milk is known as:
A. Pasteurization
B. Sterilization
C. Fermentation
D. Disinfection
279. A microbiological media that suppresses the growth of unwanted bacteria while encouraging the growth of the desired bacteria is known as:
A. Selective media
B. Differential media
C. Enrichment media
D. General purpose media
280. The technique used to separate and identify different DNA fragments is called:
B. Gel electrophoresis
C. DNA sequencing
D. Cloning
281. In bacterial genetics, what does the term "plasmid" refer to?
A. A fragment of chromosomal DNA
B. A circular DNA molecule
C. A segment of RNA
D. A type of virus
282. The microorganism responsible for food spoilage is primarily:
A. Fungi
B. Virus
C. Bacteria
D. All of the above
283. Which of the following is a viral infection?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Measles
D. Gonorrhea
284. A common laboratory procedure for determining antibiotic susceptibility is:
A. Disk diffusion
B. Gram staining
285. The study of fungi is known as:
A. Bacteriology
B. Mycology
C. Protozoology
D. Phycology
286. The most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases is:
A. Vaccination
B. Isolation
C. Quarantine
D. Disinfection
287. The Gram stain differentiates bacteria based on:
A. Size
B. Shape
C. Cell wall composition
D. Metabolism
288. The first vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner to protect against:
A. Smallpox
B. Measles
C. Polio
D. Tetanus
289. Which bacteria are known for their ability to produce endospores?
A. Bacillus
B. Staphylococcus
C. E. coli
D. Streptococcus
290. The structure of a virus is primarily made of:
A. Protein and nucleic acid
B. Lipids
C. Carbohydrates
D. Amino acids
291. The term used to describe a bacterium that can survive without oxygen is:
A. Obligate aerobes
B. Obligate anaerobes
C. Microaerophiles
D. Aerotolerant
292. A bacterial culture with a high number of organisms will show:
A. A clear solution
B. Turbidity
C. Sediment
D. No change
293. What is the function of ribosomes in bacteria?
A. Energy production
B. Protein synthesis
C. DNA replication
D. Cell division
294. The term used for the bacterial growth phase where no increase in cell number occurs is:
A. Lag phase
B. Log phase
C. Stationary phase
D. Death phase
295. Which of the following is NOT a type of microscopy?
A. Light microscopy
B. Electron microscopy
C. Atomic force microscopy
D. Color microscopy
296. The process by which bacteria can take up free DNA from the environment is called:
A. Transduction
B. Transformation
C. Conjugation
D. Replication
297. Which of the following is used to grow anaerobic bacteria?
A. Candle jar
B. Anaerobic chamber
C. Incubator
D. Cold storage
298. Bacteria that have a spherical shape are called:
A. Bacilli
B. Cocci
C. Spirilla
D. Vibrios
299. Which of the following is a viral disease?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Influenza
D. Gonorrhea
300. The Gram stain is used to differentiate bacteria based on:
A. Presence of spores
B. Cell wall composition
C. Shape of bacteria
D. Size of bacteria
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